Gestational Diabetes - a blessing in disguise

The only time in my life where I intentionally ate meal by meal, was during 2013 when I decided to try out the Paelo lifestyle along with working out. It went on for about a year, and I was my most healthy and fit self. Many reasons later I fell off the wagon (moving, body injury, life, etc) and I never quite found my re-start.

I am such a person of habit. Good or bad. I fall easily into routine and repeating behavior over and over.

There's months where I cook 3x a day and get my life together. Usually accompanied by a workout regime, I've noticed. The last time this occurred was September 2017-January 2018. I was jumping into the world of CrossFit and I found myself back to intentional eating/planning each meal.

As usual, when my CF journey came to an end during January 2018, it seemed so did my healthier habits. Slowly but surely I fell back into the very easy fast food life, eating whatever I wanted, grabbing anything that sounded good at that time. I would even wait until I was in starving mode and then BOOM just grab the grossest, most available thing, and crash later from all the sugar/carbs and empty calories. It was a cycle and I was a stuck little puppet.

Fast forward a bunch and it's July 2018! We found out we are pregnant (yay!) and everything is good!

The first five months, I didn't have ANY appetite, so that was odd.

I like eating and to not have anything sound appetizing was just very unusual for me. There was nights I had a biscuit for 'dinner' or a bowl a fruit just to get something in.

Around November 2018 my appetite returned and I was eating again (yay!) so of course I indulged in bad stuff as well as some healthy options. Mostly not intentional eating, though. I ate what I wanted.

During late, late December I found out I actually have gestational diabetes. At first I was confused because many other symptoms that come with GD were absent. I thought the glucose test was inaccurate.

My first educational/one on one meeting was Thursday, January 3, 2019. I learned more about GD and was taught how to check my sugar levels with a little machine. It's not too bad, I prick my finger 4x a day to see numbers and basically want to stay within a certain range. If too high or too low, I need to let my doctor and OB know because it can harm the baby in various ways.

Friday, January 4th was my first day doing the 4x a day pricking/logging. I was pleasantly surprised to learn I didn't hate doing this. Of course, it can be annoying, but it's for my health and my baby's health so the option of complaining is really not on my mind. I am just doing what I need to! I also like doing well, so I get excited to see the numbers be where they need to be. It also reassures me when the numbers are fine that it's truly for me eating related and not needing additional insulin or medication (very thankful for this.)

My little kit to test sugar :)

I've had to adjust my meals, heavily, definitively not eating out like I was before. Through the process I feel this was all a blessing in disguise. I've enjoyed putting together balanced meals and having a routine again. I'm being forced, in a way, to be disciplined and I've really missed that. I just didn't know it, until I went through this. My Donald is even hopping on board and eating healthy with me <3

I think it's insane how many of us just walk around and eat what we want without thinking. Obviously if you do not have health concerns/problems/issues, you have the freedom to make choices that some others do not. I would suggest looking into healthier eating only because YOU FEEL SO MUCH BETTTTTTTTER!!! I'm no longer getting to a starving point and crashing out of desperation. I no longer feel hangry or empty or moody from food choices/lack of.

I am so thankful for GD because without this, I would still just be mindlessly eating and trucking along whereas now I feel great and I have a different lifestyle that I'm really thankful for. In the end, I feel healthiest now. Some blessings come disguised and I'm happy I was able to take all this news positively and make the changes I needed to. Just 8 more weeks until my little Aleena is here and I cannot wait.



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