
Showing posts from March, 2014

Suicidal People Struggle Silently

I just thought about something. You know how when someone is suicidal and posts anything on social media about wanting to do the act, and a bunch of caring people try to stop this person and explain how it is wrong etc? What if we stopped doing this? When someone wants to take a new job or begin working out, everyone is supportive and wanting to be on board. But because suicide is viewed as a negative thing to majority, we all jump in and try to stop this from happening... BUT what if this decision would make the person happier? Who is everyone else to stop them? What if they really do not care anymore to be on earth and see what could be?  If this is what someone wants, they should have the right to commit it, right? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Suicide does NOT affect the person who commits it. It affects everyone else . This is why everyone else tries to stop others from committing such an act. Plain and simple. Let's just try to understand some things