
Showing posts from August, 2018

Hey, stop constantly being a victim

You know what really grinds my gear? <-- THAT PHRASE lol, just kidding But lately ( by lately I meant May 2018 when I wrote most of this ...) I've been having conversations with reformed-victims. Such as friends, who at one point used to sulk in self pity and have excuses for every "wrong thing" in their life. I was a part of that club too, and sometimes I like to visit here during my period because it's fun for like two mins. But I stopped, and you should, too! Sooooo....Are you a " victim" ? Are you constantly coming up with excuses when things don't go as planned? Are you perhaps failing to see that your decisions are a direct correlation to your "failures?" Please stop. IT'S SO FREAKIN UNATTRACTIVE!!! Once you become self-aware it is REALLY hard to go backwards. You can only see from that point of view, so I recommend it to everyone.  This "awakening" has actually helped me care a lot less for things/people wh