Isn't CrossFit scary and dangerous??

If you're anything like I was years ago, I heard the word CrossFit and assumed all these terrible things. My two younger sisters had just ventured on their own journey into the CF world and I was enjoying solo time at the gym with free weights and cardio.

I would hear the things they did during class but instead of listening my brain would jump to the worst conclusions.



Me (in my head): "wow you're just asking for injury and wrong form and probably going to break your knees and why are you so excited this is unhealthy and crazy. It should be a crime! There's like ten of you in that class... no way someone is coaching and watching all of you. You gonna die, kid.

Me (outloud): "oh, that's great!...! "


No one just shows up and starts breaking their knees; it takes time to earn that right (hahaha). The sisters had warmed up, worked out for weeks, conditioned their bodies to tolerate so much of X in X amount of time. The coaches were paying attention to all individuals because no two people are the same and plenty of people have old injuries/current injuries/things to be cautious on.

I didn't allow for any of that to be considered because the truth was I didn't care. I wasn't open to learning about CrossFit because it wasn't for me. And that was that. You know, how most Americans treat anything they aren't into, hahaha.


sooooooooooooooooo blah blah blah I worked out (alone) and kicked so much ass like 3/4 years ago.  I dropped 40 pounds by being Paelo + weight lifting + cardio. Here's my favorite photo from that time =)

So what happened? Why did I stop? Why did I gain back all that weight??? 

During May of 2013, like a week after this photo was taken; I went to brush to my teeth. The moment I bent over my lower back felt this sharp, awful, horrible, mean, pain and I didn't know what the fuck happened. 

There's the entire story of my lower back in this other blog if you click here

Well, fast forward.

I went to see a doctor, got cortisone steroid shots, cried because I had to rest for TEN days (mind you I can't even fathom ONE rest day) and then stayed in excruciating pain for like six of  those ten days. 

I got depressed, yay!

I ate so much pizza and threw paelo away. I was like why me!!!! why!!!! I suck!!! My life is over!!!

I started feeling better and just couldn't seem to find the swing of things the way I once did. Not only was I terrified that somehow I caused this lower back pain and might accidentally do it again. But my brain is also super annoying. I'm either fully in or I'm like fuck this shit. 

So I said fuck this shit, a lot. I eventually stopped going to the gym altogether. I started to party a lot, which is SO NOT ME. I was just la la la what is life la la la

I slowly but surely gained back all that weight....and den some.

THERE WERE LIKE 6 MORE BACK PAIN EPISODES FROM MAY 2013-JULY 2016 *knock on wood it doesn't happen in 2017 pleaseeeeeeeeee*


I was literally sitting on my cousin's couch watching him and his gf's cats play thinking "wonder what it feels like to be an animal." and I was also simultaneously scrolling on Facebook because memes are my entire life.


I was like *roll eyes* whatever. Who has money? Who cares? Why am I not using Ads on FB for photography?? Let me just click. ah. Okay just one little screen. I filled out this info cool. I made a difference in my life I matter. Hey guys, drop the pizza I think I found motivation!

Everyone was like umm shut the fuck up, we're watching Chappelle.

My bad.

I noticed the Ad thing quickly sent me an email like WHEN YA WANNA MEET! WE SERIOUS DOE! WHASS GOOD???

I'm like, God damn, chill, WE JUST MET EACH OTHER ONLINE ... SORTA

So naturally, I click the earliest day possible, because, I'm dead inside.

I went in to the location with one thing in mind. Who do I give my debit card to??? I knew if I thought too deep into it I would dive off a cliff. So, no room for thoughts. Just hey hi where I go.

Some guy, Mason (later to be the best fucking awesome coach person in the world earth galaxy) is like eagerly asking me who I am and what brought me in and he's sincerely explaining what the hell scaled back cross fit is and in my head I'm like what the fuck am I doing here! Those are not people I see, those are animals! Oh my God suddenly I don't want to know what it feels like to be a cat. UGH. 

So I pull out my extrovert side and give him the 1 min quick story which ends with "basically you don't have to explain anything to meeeeeeee, I'm here to sign up :) 

He shows me where Brittany is (uhh she's the gorgeous bad ass owner of this entire gym!!! yay girl power!!!!!) and Brittany is super fucking real. I hate when people have stupid fake sweet voices. Like, STFU. But luckily Brittany is human and talked to me normal as if I'd known her already.

I gave her my info and I was ready to start my new life. *this was late September*

I was heading to a Bachlorette trip the following few days so luckily she said our class wouldn't start until like Oct 9th. PERFECT.

Some things I've learned in my 3 weeks at CrossFit: 

  • You can push yourself more than you think
  • It's okay to take breaks and drink water
  • It really isn't a competition because everyone is at a different level and has different goals
  • EVERYONE is so supportive
  • It's okay to go heavier on weights and then say woops fuck that (for safety) 
  • People who are here, WANT to be here
  • You can still come while hurt because the coaches are knowledgeable on so many different fitness regimes they will give you something beneficial

I think my favorite part is that I do feel held accountable. If I am broken again (my back) I don't see myself disappearing into depression and crying. I actually can see myself still coming in just to walk around or do whatever I can do. Mason truly wants everyone to feel good and succeed. Even his critiques often sound like compliments. He's amazing.

I am not speaking for ALL cross fit because I don't know how other gyms operate. I know every coach is different and some have the mindset of 'go until you do throw up' but if that were the case I wouldn't be sticking around.

I like that I still am in control. I always stop when I want to because I refuse to throw up. I HATE IT. I also am terrified of having the injury reappear (by the way, officially, it was like 2 herniated discs, 1 bulging, some shit with my S1 joint? and sciatica nerve pain, yay!) so I have more than enough reasons to be like whoa dere--hol up. 

So over all yes, CrossFit is crazy! You push and push and push and do reps like you haven't seen and you grow and change. IS IT FOR EVERYONE? helllll no. You'll know right away whether you love or hate it. But is it dangerous? No.

I believe anything becomes dangerous when you don't listen to your body. As long as you are eating well, staying hydrated, showing up kicking ass and listening to your body you will be fine. 

I will do a second blog soon on my results because oooohhh shiiiit, there's results! :) 


PS: We do cute shit like this :) 

"Game changers!" That's the name of the Cross Fit Gym :) 


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