
Showing posts from September, 2013

24 and still learning

I recently stumbled across an awesome article written by a 22 year old on things she has learned thus far in life. Everything she said I agreed with 100% and felt a sense of relief that someone else out there is going through/has gone through/is going through things that I experience, too. It really motivated me and sparked a light in me to want to write and share my own ideas of what I've learned throughout life, too. If anyone is interested in her blog the link is  Right hereeeeee Anyway, so this is in no particular order of what I feel is more important than other lessons, but here it goes. 1) Talk it out.   Often I feel fed up with things or even people, and I shut down and decide to just keep to myself and continue to grow more and more frustrated. Over the years I've noticed it's a really bad habit that I don't benefit from at all. The more I confront matters and talk things out, I feel so much better after. Whether the result is what I imagined or expec