

Faith is choosing to believe when you do not have any proof or reason to...So I guess you could say sometimes my faith is shaken. I worry and question and second guess- but I shouldn't. God never fails to provide for me when I'm the least deserving. Throughout my life I tend to go through phases of all or nothing. I'm either 100% in or I'm completely absent. I like focusing my energy on my plan. But that's the problem. My plan may not be the plan already envisioned for me. I have to remind myself that their is a bigger picture, a bigger journey that is beyond me. I have to trust that the situations I am put into are meant to strengthen and develop me, not hinder or hurt. God is on my side...whether I can understand it or not. Trust and believe, always, whether you understand the chapter or not. -s

Happiest Depression

The world sees me smiling Never sad can I be No one knows the reality What the truth is for me Inside it's a battle Each time with different triggers First, it starts with anger then it spins down to sadness, the killer But she laughs so much and always smiles how can this be true? Because when someone asks how you are you can't exactly say 'fuck you' Some days are better than others I surprise myself, too When the sunshine in the sky Matches inside my heart and feels really good Suppress the feelings, don't let them show that's what I've taught myself Be what they want to see although no one gives a shit in the end Feeling stuck is the worst Like there's nothing you can do Hopes of being struck are common At least then they can't blame you It can't be healthy thinking these thoughts but what the fuck do I know? I have no hope for this selfish, careless world I just need a place to go -s A fictional poem inspi

A horse named Charlie

So, I don't like horses to begin with but I definitely don't like horses named Charlie. Lately, my left lower leg and foot have been getting a ton of charlie horses. I don't know whether this stems from my lower back pain/sciatica issue or if I'm lacking some kind of nutrient and unfortunately resulting to getting these extremely painful and uncomfortable cramps. They last about 2-4 mins and I usually hold a certain part of my aching foot during the episode. I wish it would stop! This article here explains 7 common causes of such and I think the one that really applies to me is the nutrition or not stretching enough. I drink 6-8 bottles of 16.9 oz a day, if not more. If you have any experience with this, leave your thoughts below! -s

Dear people who are too nice

It is both sad and refreshing to come to the realization that words don't mean shit and actions are everything. Dear People Who Are Way Too Nice, You want to believe them. You hear something that confirms what you feel and you instantly jump on the loving train. Open your eyes, please. You fail to realize that the person who matters most is the one looking back at you in the mirror. You put others ahead of yourself. Stop putting yourself second. Screw the other person's feelings. It's time your feelings matter, too. If you can stop and question whether a person would reconsider their decision based upon how you felt and the answer is yes, they would change their ways to make me happy, then continue to be the light in this person's life and shine away with all your pouring of love.... but if you answer no, this person never does nor will change any of their shit in order to make me happy then please for the love of love just staaaahp. Stop doing it for them. You