A horse named Charlie

So, I don't like horses to begin with but I definitely don't like horses named Charlie.

Lately, my left lower leg and foot have been getting a ton of charlie horses. I don't know whether this stems from my lower back pain/sciatica issue or if I'm lacking some kind of nutrient and unfortunately resulting to getting these extremely painful and uncomfortable cramps.

They last about 2-4 mins and I usually hold a certain part of my aching foot during the episode.

I wish it would stop!

This article here explains 7 common causes of such and I think the one that really applies to me is the nutrition or not stretching enough. I drink 6-8 bottles of 16.9 oz a day, if not more.

If you have any experience with this, leave your thoughts below!



  1. I used to get those when I was on swim team. Eating bananas helped me out a lot.

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