
Dear future child

I don't know you yet, nor do I know if you'll be a baby boy or baby girl. What I do know is that I think of you a lot and wonder what kind of child you'll be. Each time I log onto my least favorite social networking site, I am bombarded with other people's creations of little boys or little girls. I am genuinely happy for them, but it scares the living shit out of me. In order to meet you I'll have to most likely PUSH you out of me, seeing as I dont plan to have a C-section. I want to know so badly what you will look like. I already imagine a tan, darker complextion because of your father. I want you to know so much yet I want to protect you from it all as well. You arent even here yet. Im going to bring you into a world of hate, disgust, and racism, but you will rise above it all. You being bi-racial will be a beautiful thing in itself. I pray you are born healthy and perfect, but if God has other plans I will be the best care-taker anyone has ever seen. Whethe


A few months ago, I heard through friends about a new Taylor Swift song. I almost always know all her music, so when people said the title "Ronan", I was shocked I wasn't familiar.  It turns out, she wrote this song over a year ago about a little sweet boy who had cancer. She stumbled upon a blog online of a mother, Maya, who was blogging daily about her child and their journey with his cancer.  Taylor Swift was really touched by the blog, and contacted Maya herself to ask permission to write a song about her son and sing it during the Cancer Awareness program this year in September. Maya (as I read in her blog ) was shocked and speechless, but touched. She said yes and also met up with Taylor and helped her write the song. She told Taylor stories about her son and his favorite toys. All to help with the lyrics of this beautiful song. I heard the song on YouTube , and I was so incredibly sad. I knew it was a true story which broke my heart even more. The little

Under promise, over compensate

Read the title. Now read it again! People! People who work, make this your job motto inside your head. UNDER PROMISE. OVER COMPENSATE. It'll make you look fabulous. Are you aware of a skill or job that you are able to do? Keep it a secret. The more your co-workers know about you, and what you are able to perform, the more they will then expect out of you and judge. Keep your skills and natural joy a secret. Example:  Restaurant:  Let's say you have a natural happiness and enjoyment for cleaning. The minuete someone finds this out, all future cleaning projects and assignments will go your way. Sure, you're not pissed because you love cleaning and find this fun, but the other assholes are doing less work now. The usual responsibilites and shifting duties becomes altered. You are now cleaning captain. And you don't want that. Keep it fair, keep it moving! It doesn't get any simpler than that. -ssr

Thoughts on a Tuesday

As I sit here listening to my favorite new playlist, I am reflecting on what a blessed life I live. I used to focus on what I don't have, and look at other's lives and want what they have. I felt they were happier because they appeared such. Anyone can put up a front online and post pictures of a 'perfect fun life', but no one really sees the other side of it. Basically we see something, believe it, and sometimes get envious and want it. All the while we are wasting time not even realizing what all WE DO have right in front of us. I recently moved out of my parents home for the first time in my life. At 23, I felt ready and excited. I didn't do it alone, I moved into a place with my boyfriend of three, going on four, years. At first I predicted I would miss living in a big house with four-five people constantly around and talking and yelling. I assumed the quieter house I would now live in was going to depress me and make me miss home. I was surprisingly