
A few months ago, I heard through friends about a new Taylor Swift song. I almost always know all her music, so when people said the title "Ronan", I was shocked I wasn't familiar.

 It turns out, she wrote this song over a year ago about a little sweet boy who had cancer. She stumbled upon a blog online of a mother, Maya, who was blogging daily about her child and their journey with his cancer.

 Taylor Swift was really touched by the blog, and contacted Maya herself to ask permission to write a song about her son and sing it during the Cancer Awareness program this year in September.

Maya (as I read in her blog) was shocked and speechless, but touched. She said yes and also met up with Taylor and helped her write the song. She told Taylor stories about her son and his favorite toys. All to help with the lyrics of this beautiful song.

I heard the song on YouTube, and I was so incredibly sad. I knew it was a true story which broke my heart even more. The little boy, Ronan, passed away three days before his fourth birthday. It's unfair and heartbreaking.

It's artists such as Taylor Swift that make me relieved. To know that good, genuine people still exist in that kind of industry where fame and power overrule most, it's nice. All the proceeds from that song are donated immediately to the children's cancer foundation. I wish more artists took the time to do these types of things that make such a huge difference. Maya didn't deserve this horrible tradegy, but I can't imagine how happy she must've felt to know that a huge artist dedicated a whole song to her beautiful child.

Everyone should check out her blog, it's really raw and un-cut. She holds back nothing. It's sad, depressing, inspiring, angry, loving, painful and REAL.

When you're having a bad day and feel that nothing is fair, just remember that people out there DO have it a lot worse than you. Be thankful you're still here and understand you have a purpose in life. You may not KNOW the purpose just yet, but you're here for a reason.

Love you guys, thanks as always for reading!



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