Thoughts on a Tuesday

As I sit here listening to my favorite new playlist, I am reflecting on what a blessed life I live. I used to focus on what I don't have, and look at other's lives and want what they have. I felt they were happier because they appeared such.

Anyone can put up a front online and post pictures of a 'perfect fun life', but no one really sees the other side of it. Basically we see something, believe it, and sometimes get envious and want it. All the while we are wasting time not even realizing what all WE DO have right in front of us.

I recently moved out of my parents home for the first time in my life. At 23, I felt ready and excited. I didn't do it alone, I moved into a place with my boyfriend of three, going on four, years. At first I predicted I would miss living in a big house with four-five people constantly around and talking and yelling. I assumed the quieter house I would now live in was going to depress me and make me miss home. I was surprisingly WRONG! I actually enjoy living in a quiet place-it even feels weird saying that because I do like being at my parent's house and I soak up in the noise-but with this new quiet environment I find myself reading more and learning new thing about myself almost on a daily basis. (Of course I do miss my family, that's a given, but it's nice to have my own place).

I've always been a clean freak, but now I know I am truly a lover/addict of cleaning and clean places. I blast music almost every other day and start somewhere and end up looking at the clock to see a whole hour has gone by. "Time flies when youre having fun!" (hahaha)

Back to the point-I used to hate staying at home when I lived at my parent's. I always wanted to be at someone else's house having fun and doing something different. Now? I almost always have a friend or family member over. I found that I love cooking for others. Before I never even cared to be in the kitchen unless I was helping clean it. Now? Im almost always in there whipping up something new and fun. I just really love being at home.

I still go through facebook and enjoy seeing my friends' lives and what's new with others (especially old friends who got married and have children), but now instead of looking at those photo's and feeling as if I am missing something-I started to reflect on my own life and realize I may not have kids, a husband, ect, but I have a shit load of things to be grateful for like good family, friends, great health, my own schedule, schooling, LIFE, respect, relationships. Ect. ect ect.

Basically what I wanted others to get out of this specific blog is that--Dont waste time being sad or upset that you are 'missing' something or you 'want' other things. Sit and really think of all the great things you DO have... Some people drive without AC..... it's the tiny things we take for granted that make us happy... A lot of friends in my life have lost a parent... I am blessed to still have both mine.. and inshAllah (hopefully) I can say this for a long time.

Be happy, live each day to the fullest! Don't wait for a Friday night or Saturday to hit up friends or loved ones.... Go do it now....I've had the most fun since we moved out just having quality time with friends coming over and us talking, laughing, watching movies, cooking, eating, cleaning, gossiping, ect. Its things like this that will make memories we can one day share with our kids and look back on. It's not always about partying and drinking and going OUT all the time. The indoor stuff has much more meaning (in my opinion).

Love you guys, thanks for reading as always.




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