Being an empath can SUCK

a person with the paranormal ability to apprehend the mental or emotional state of another individual.

Here's why being an empath fucking sucks, a lot of the times.

When you extremely sensitive to energy and feelings, you don't have a choice. You take on a burden many others will never know or understand.

Walking into a room and 'feeling' a vibe is not the reality for many people. If you are someone who thinks that is just 'normal, you are MORE than LIKELY an empath.

The word is kind of funny; I see it tossed around a lot on social media. I almost hate using it sometimes because it's often made fun of by those who don't understand it. "Oh you feel deeply woohoo cool good for you" <-- It's actually NOT good for us, though. Lol.

Here's a very real (and exhausting) example of what goes on inside an empath's mind.

Fictional situation: You are pregnant, having a baby shower and your VERY close friend blows off your shower, didn't come, didn't reach out, blew you off 100%!

In an empath's mind, the first thought is never 'fuck this person' rather........'this really fucking sucks and I am pissed BUT if you think about it, they did just lose their job so they're probably a lot more stressed right now than usual. I bet they took their negativity out on me, because they know from past experiences I am a safe person to allow that. Maybe it's my own fault, I mean we teach people how to treat us.. and I've forgiven before and been understanding... so why else wouldn't they repeat this behavior? Ugh, I'm still so mad though, I Don't deserve this. Oh fuck, the topic we were arguing about is my shower and doesn't she have trouble getting pregnant? Is that why she could be lashing out at me? Oh my God I am so dumb!!! I should've known. shit. shit. shit. this person is clearly hurting. I need to be there for them. No wonder they didn't come to my baby shower. Omg. I AM SO DUMB. I cannot be mad.Plus who knows if I were in their position.... no, no, no I wouldn't fucking do that. I'm happy for others regardless of how it affects me. Oh but wait. I am capable of that, what if they aren't? No one can fault me for being so 'understanding' so maybe I also can't fault them for not being so understanding...? Ugh. okay, I'm gonna take my space and then just forgive because it's not that serious. Plus people die EVERY DAY so this really isn't worth it. It's fine. I'm fine. I will be fine. They need me right now. I can do this.

To a 'regular' non-empath THAT up there may appear to be bat shit crazy. Because it is, from an outsider's point of view. 

Our mind is literally racing 24/7. We don't get the luxury of just not thinking. We are always "ON" and thinking about things. We forgive easily and often because of thinking like that up there. and no, we can't help it. It's a curse and burden. It takes A LOT of wrong to 'remove' someone from our lives. Something major unforgiving had to be done.

Other 'symptoms' of an empath is just simply knowing when someone is lying. 

For example, you meet someone for coffee, this can be a friend, a family member, or simply an acquaintance and you may ask 'How's it going!' and they SAY 'yeah it's great everything is good!' but you just are able to read between the lines. You can FEEL that something is off, they are holding back. I truly think more empaths should be in professional positions such as therapists, because this can truly help you assist your clients. but anyway, depending on how close you are to someone you may call them out and dig deeper... or you may just let it go and bring it up at another time more fitting.

It's also extremely common for empaths to feel tired OFTEN because their energy is constantly 'on' absorbing from everyone around them. Even if it's unwanted, it's still happening and that's why it's draining, leaving us tired.

Other common traits many empaths share:

  • You get strong first impressions that you cannot explain and end up being 100% accurate
  • You feel actually physically sick at violence of any kind or harm to others
  • Helping others exhausts you, but you literally cannot stop
  • You are sensitive to noise
  • You find it hard to say no to others
  • You cant seem to detach from someone in need...even if it's not best for YOU
  • You seem to attract "broken people" 
  • You have a deep need and calling to make the world a better place 

SO, My advice for fellow empaths:

  • Be selective of your company
  • Take time for YOURSELF ALONE so you are truly able to recharge
  • Have a hobby that fulfills you so you are so passionatly diving deep that you are acutally able to laser focus in on that hobby during the times you do it and not too focused on others/those around you
  • Take small naps when possible lol
  • Eat well, feel well
  • Try to pick your battles; if someone really does hurt you, instead of understanding their POV, sometiems it's important to put your foot down in order to make a point. it's the principal. you aren't a bad person for doing so, even though your brain wil try to trick you 'you know better, it's not their fault' sometimes stop that thought and replace it with 'you know what. that was unfair. someone will care about this person but for now it isn't me. im taking my space.' 
  • Be very open and up front o your loved ones how their words and actions affect you-- its very possible even though they've 'known you for 20+ years' they just DON'T GET IT because, well, they aren't like us
  • Be with people are not empaths because they will help you build a better back bone and think at times 'not my problem' mindset which will ultimately help you, as we carry a lot of unfair guilt
  • Also surround yourself with other empaths to refill being understood and feel sane

So, basically, it really sucks because you're often misunderstood, taken for granted, constantly exhausted, battling yourself with trying to help others and staying sane, managing being fair to yourself, and literally always feeling guilty when you know you have the right to be upset.

But.... at least the more of us there are, the better the world is...hahaha.

Please share if you enjoyed, leave your thoughts, add anything I may have left out. I wrote this on a 15 min break at work. lol. 



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