American Muslims -A poem by Me

Even though it's twenty-fifteen
I'm witnessing things I cannot believe

Americans are fearful of Muslim citizens
So many lies are continuously on CNN

"The teleprompter says it- so it must be so true"
...Except for the fact that it's incredibly far from actual truth

People use words to justify their actions
They throw in the word religion- but it doesn't make it accurate

All kinds of terrorists come in multiple different races-
Religion, political party, and all kinds of faces

It's easy to avoid what you simply do not know about
but please educate yourself before you start to shout

The word Islam itself means to surrender, it's about peace
But you wouldn't know that if you only see what is on Fox TV

I can easily go kill a dog and say it's "in the name of Islam"
but does that make it true? No, not even a little

Any evil person can say or do what they want
but hate THAT one person, not an entire population of innocents

I know it's hard when all you hear and see
is "Muslim terrorist this" and "Islam is so risky"

But just because something's hard doesn't mean you should ignore it
research and find out what the reality actually is

Thousands of Muslim Americans are in fear for their lives
Crazy People are using their name to murder in disguise

It's unfair and it's heartbreaking, but it only hurts more
when the country you grew up in suddenly questions your core

I see stories every week about bad cops and thieving black males
but I still respect officers, and I still married a black man

I don't suddenly hate an entire career or race
So I ask, please also respect me and my take

For the sake of my country
for the sake of the citizens
Do not blame a whole crowd
on a few peoples' lies and bad decisions

I know you mean well when you click "re-post" and "share"
but take into consideration that you're saying more than you maybe cared

If you agree with Donald Trump and feel that Muslims should be banned
You're also saying I don't belong here, and I cannot agree to that

I was raised in America for an entire twenty six years
Have I ever given you any reason to question or fear?

So next time you think of saying all Muslims are terrorist
Remember that you know me, and I'm clearly not it

For those of you who don't know me and have never met a Muslim
Let me be the first to tell you that Muslims equally hate murderers and terrorists

Thank you for reading and I hope I shed some light
to the huge crisis going on in every American Muslim's life

Just flip the script and put you in my shoes,
Imagine if it were your race or religion all over the news,
Would you apologize for something YOU didn't even do?
Think about that before you think to even blame the Muslim next to you


Written by Sumaira McCloud

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