5 Ways of Thinking to Leave Behind in 2015

  • Stop comparing your life to all your peers!

We all do it. Everyone has taken a little more time on social media scrolling endlessly through someone’s feed just making up all kinds of (great) assumptions from the visual life presented. STOP! You must always only compete with your own self because no other person will ever have gone through your struggles in life. Age doesn’t mandate where you should be in life. Trust in your path and make healthy changes to be a happier you. Easiest tip: Make a list of things that you do regularly. Make a second list of things that make you happy. Adjust accordingly. You’re welcome!

  • Don’t take offense.

It’s easy to read, see, or hear something and instantly go into defense mode as if you’re the only person of your race/religion/job/background that must go fight for your rights! An all Caucasian family will never understand how it is to grow up in America as a first generation Indian, Latin, or Middle Eastern etc etc etc person. And you know what? The first generation non-Caucasian will also equally never understand the other point of view either. Don’t go all crazy and defensive when someone says something out of pure ignorance. If YOU know it isn’t true and it’s indeed lack of knowledge, you have two choices. You can either move on with your life and ignore the person’s comment because you understand this isn’t a battle you care to jump in OR you can take your time and say your piece. If you go with option two, remember to get you POINT across, not your ANGER or FEELINGS. My personal favorite is to simply be a good example of whatever you’re trying to bring light to. Don’t say it, just do it.

  • If you can’t control it or change it….Don’t complain

I don’t know what it is lately with everyone wanting to constantly complain about things such as the weather, stores decorating early, Starbucks cups, and iPhone anything…. It really won’t make a difference with complaining because you don’t have control over these things. Instead of ranting and wasting your valuable time, just don’t do it. Complaining won’t bring any change. You know what will? Investing time into yourself and things that actually you have control over such as health habits, spending habits, where your time is spent and you know, which movies you watch. Hehe.

  •  If you’re miserable, you must stay miserable.

UMMM….WHAT? No. No. No. Please understand that you if you hate your job, hate your weight, hate your routines….. You can do something to make a change. Things don’t just happen or appear out of air. YOU are the driver of your life and YES some things obviously you can’t just go grab like a new job- but you know what you can do? You can put in resumes, walk into places and introduce yourself, enhance your networking skills and get out of your shell a little more. Baby steps eventually become big steps that you later run with. Make the change you want to see. Don’t just wait for a reason or an excuse to change something. Stop thinking “I’ll do this by ____ month” … it won’t happen if you keep pushing things off. You have to get up and go! “Someday” needs to change into “today.”

  •       Choosing comfort over trying

We all have had those thoughts that “if I don’t try, I can’t fail” but we often forget “If I don’t try, I won’t have a chance at succeeding.” We are so comfortable with the same this and the same that. I’m talking about everything from clothes and style to new hobbies and new friends. It’s perfectly okay to make new friends no matter how much you love Drake and his advice. (haha) Meeting new people is so refreshing and exciting. Each person you encounter whether it be for an hour or a year, they will indeed teach you something. Sometimes, it could be lessons and things you learn you don’t want to do or be around, and other times, people can amaze you. Just give yourself a chance. You have one life so this is the time to live it how you want to. You’ve spent enough years living by others’ approval and wanting to be accepted- why not try to just live by your own rules? There is no “how it should be” it is actually more of “how I make it” and I think we often forget that. 


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