


faithful to one's sovereign, government, or state:
a loyal subject.
faithful to one's oath, commitments, or obligations:
to be loyal to a vow.
faithful to any leader, party, or cause, or to any person or thing conceived as deserving fidelity:
a loyal friend.
characterized by or showing faithfulness to commitments, vows, allegiance, obligations, etc.:
loyal conduct.

This is the definition of loyal from the internet dictionary. I really get a chuckle when a person tells me they are loyal, yet they have no idea what that word even fucking means.

If someone is loyal to a friend, then when the friend goes through a situation or problem and for good reason results to disliking another person, a LOYAL friend will also distance their own self from this person and not go out of their way to continue communication or relations. Sure, they will be adults and keep contact through social media to avoid drama, but are they liking and commenting and blowing up this disliked person's shit? No.

Of course we have those individuals who think their loyal, but they really are out for themselves. They want to "be cool with every single person" and therefore no matter what dilemma or hardship you endure, they will continue to see this awful person because they want to keep their own name clean and clear. For these pathetic individuals in your life I say just mirror them. Don't be loyal to them since they clearly are only loyal to themselves.

Also, no, you shouldn't be loyal to every single friend, however, the ones who are to you, you better be to them. 

Lots of realness,


P.S. I have two best friends who are the most loyal. These bitches know what's up. I have others but these are the main two. I can count on them for anything and everything. They support without judging, understand without needing explanations, and love without expecting. Do you know who yours are?

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