Suicidal People Struggle Silently

I just thought about something.

You know how when someone is suicidal and posts anything on social media about wanting to do the act, and a bunch of caring people try to stop this person and explain how it is wrong etc? What if we stopped doing this?

When someone wants to take a new job or begin working out, everyone is supportive and wanting to be on board. But because suicide is viewed as a negative thing to majority, we all jump in and try to stop this from happening...

BUT what if this decision would make the person happier? Who is everyone else to stop them? What if they really do not care anymore to be on earth and see what could be? 

If this is what someone wants, they should have the right to commit it, right?


Suicide does NOT affect the person who commits it. It affects everyone else. This is why everyone else tries to stop others from committing such an act. Plain and simple.

Let's just try to understand some things though, because we cannot always stop someone, but perhaps our words or actions can help prevent such thoughts from existing.

When someone is down and hopeless, they do not see the light at the end of the tunnel. In fact... The "light" they hope to see is a train, hitting them, finishing them. It's really awful. (I literally read this from an anonymous depressed person).

I recently went onto several different social media applications and searched key words... Suicidal, hate, self loathe, cutters, ED (eating disorder), and many more.

Surprisingly, many were blocked off and the words were unsearchable (I suppose to stop people from clicking up and joining each other in such a sad journey) but either way finally I found the secret sad world and it was just horrible.

I felt so extremely sad for all these people. Most of the ones involved were young teenage girls. They had subtitles/captions on sad photos such as:
  • "I hate myself more than you could ever hate me."
  • "Why can't I just die?"
  • "Please take away my misery and kill me now."
  • "I'm just a problem to everyone I meet."
  • "I hate my self"
The list goes on and on and ON! I had to stop myself.
I tried to leave random comments on many of their public pages...Things like "<3" I hope to maybe have one of them smile.

The other thing I noticed was that almost ALL of the girls and guys involved in the public pages never showed their faces. In fact, it was even said "sorry you guys will never get to see how ugly I am"

I wondered and wondered, okay, so a person thinks so horribly of themselves that hey don't want to show themselves? Maybe. But the other truth was even sadder.

People who join these pages/instagram/facebook accounts are people who are struggling alone. They live a "normal" life and go to school, have parents, etc but they are silently hurting.

They remain anonymous because no one they actually know in person will ever find them or see what they are going through. Maybe these kids are afraid to get made fun of, bullied, reached out to, getting help...

With that I just wanted to leave everyone reading this with one thing. Please do not ever intentionally hurt anyone. You may think you know people, but everyone is fighting their own battle. Obviously, some worse than others. The ones that end up killing themselves just couldn't fight any longer.

Parents, accept your kids for WHO THEY ARE. Stop trying to change your child into what YOU want them to be. Kids are NOT going to be who you plan. They are their own persons and they will be who ever they are. That's all you can expect. Parents not accepting their children is one of the biggest causes of stress and self-hate in the teenage years.

Love all, trust few, do wrong to none. -Shakespeare



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