24 and still learning

I recently stumbled across an awesome article written by a 22 year old on things she has learned thus far in life. Everything she said I agreed with 100% and felt a sense of relief that someone else out there is going through/has gone through/is going through things that I experience, too. It really motivated me and sparked a light in me to want to write and share my own ideas of what I've learned throughout life, too.

If anyone is interested in her blog the link is Right hereeeeee

Anyway, so this is in no particular order of what I feel is more important than other lessons, but here it goes.

1) Talk it out. 

Often I feel fed up with things or even people, and I shut down and decide to just keep to myself and continue to grow more and more frustrated. Over the years I've noticed it's a really bad habit that I don't benefit from at all. The more I confront matters and talk things out, I feel so much better after. Whether the result is what I imagined or expected doesn't even matter- once I voice my feelings and address the issue there is a weight off my shoulders. Surprisingly with people, the problems can usually be resolved once they are voiced because most of the time we can be upset about something and the other party hasn't even a clue that there was a problem. Talk it out, open up, and let things go. If nothing changes you at least can own up to the fact you have done all you could to at least address the problems. The ball is now in the other court.

2) Don't let fear win.

Why be left out of something simply because you're afraid? Life should be lived- not planned. Take chances, get hurt, learn, grow, and most of all say yes to things. No one knows what will happen so you aren't alone in taking chances! The truth is we all have problems and insecurities. Yes, you may get rejected (it happens to everyone) but at least you put yourself out there and you no longer have to sit and wonder and play the 'what if' game.

3) Sometimes staying quiet is louder.

I know earlier I said to confront things head on, but on the other hand there is a point to where you should choose your battles and weigh out the worth. Do you really need to be upset that your friend cancelled on you? Will showing him or her your attitude change the fact they cancelled? What are you gaining? Just let it go. There's a reason you don't know about that this person did this and to just be mad and take it personal is not helping anyone. Hope for next time and continue to have a great night with others. Which brings me to my next thought...

4) Stop taking it personal!

This, I admit, is my number one flaw. I used to take everything personal at one point and it caused a lot of unnecessary drama in my personal life. There is no need to turn things into more than what they are. Everyone has their own life and things do sometimes change. It's nothing against you or your life, things just change. Accept the facts and love the change. Embrace it. Holding onto the past and trying to keep everything "a certain way" isn't healthy. Make room for new people and growth and you'll in turn learn so much about yourself.

5) Do what you want. 

It sounds easy, but it really isn't. Stop letting OTHER people dictate your decisions. If you want a certain career, degree, hobby, you have every right to go do that. Why base your decision on someone else's approval? You don't need it. The more you love your decisions, the less you'll care about others loving them.

6) Love your family. 

They will piss you off. They will hurt you. They will sometimes make you want to move the hell away- but at the end of it all they are your foundation and where you come from. Whether you admit it or even believe it, a large part of who you are is because of your family. Yes you change and grow and move and become who you always were, but believe it or not those first thirteen-fifteen years you are exposed to your family and lifestyles can really determine a lot about what you want to do or also do not want to do. Love them through it all because they will always be there for you. (Whether you ask them to or not).

7) Death doesn't have an age. 

It really sucks. Death sucks. Dying doesn't come with an age or warning. There is no manual there is no going back. No one is discriminated when it comes to dying. Unfortunately you will have to say see you later to loved ones. It's hard to not be bitter or unhappy, but you will find peace (one day). Make the most of the days you DO have with your loved ones. Always remember we may not know why or how but we have the choice to heal or be angry forever. The decisions you make are life changing. Don't put yourself in a bubble because you feel you 'have to be' a certain way after a departure. You deserve to be happy and you should be. Always tell your friends and family how much they mean to you.

8) Forgive, move on, AND forget

I've heard so many times people say "I forgive but I don't forget" .... I have a problem with this because I feel in order to truly forgive you MUST forget. If you choose to keep that bad memory I almost feel as if you're waiting for it to be repeated. Stop. Let it go. Move on. We all make mistakes and we know how nice it feels to be given a second chance. Don't be an asshole and hold a grudge. If this person means anything to you then forgive. If this person doesn't mean shit to you, still forgive. Why? Because when you forgive someone your heart is pure and clean. You don't forgive for their sake, you forgive for yourself. It's easier said than done, but it's do-able, so just do it. Some situations do take more time than others, but in the end just forgive. You never know what may happen the next day, so with that said, always be at peace and looking to move forward in positive directions.

9) While at work do not expose.

When you go to work, it's easy to want to be friends with everyone and hang out- but be careful. Do not share too much unnecessary information that can backlash on you and cause conflicts. Just know what to share and when to share it. Don't always try to be the loudest. Observe and choose wisely. 

10) Carry your charger with you. 

If you have an iphone....Carry your  charger around.

11) Don't play candy crush if you haven't already started

This one is personal. I began playing in July on a long car ride and now I play it everyday. It's addicting, fun, and time consuming. Lol.

12) Work out! 

Working out will not only improve your health and physical appearance but it seriously is an anti-depression and it makes you feel awesome. Eat better, live better, and love yourself. 

13) Act like you're the shit

Because you are. Fake it til you make it if you don't feel like you're awesome and eventually you will feel awesome. There is only one you and you are great! Just do so in a humble way and do not mistake being seen as conceited. Confidence not cockiness. 

I hope you enjoyed this read, I had no list these were just off the top of my head, please leave comments with your own thoughts and tips. :) 



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