Why are you still there?

I've never really understood why a person would remain in a relationship or job environment that is destroying their happiness and mental state.

If you are unhappy after trying and trying and doing all you possibly could have for a situation, it is time you move on, leave, change it up. You are allowed to do so. I don't know what book people read where they think they are forced to stay somewhere or contracted by law to be with a certain man/woman! (Even if you ARE married, there is a thing called divorce).

I know one side of my readers are going to throw up their arms and mention the obvious, family being torn and friends and people wanting to keep their perfect life and not air their dirty laundry--But see, those are the people who care more about an image versus what is INSIDE The image. These kind of people think they are avoiding being talked about by remaining miserable and doing things they think are expected of them.

The other group of people falls into where I feel I am, which consists of fulfilling your own happiness. Why the hell do what you THINK others will approve? Did you know they are going to talk shit about you ANYWAY? Whether you are prancing around like a virgin and attending Church/Mosque/Temple/Etc THERE WILL BE SOMEONE, SOMEWHERE, FOR NO REASON, WHO TALKS ABOUT HOW SLUTTY YOU ARE AND WHY YOUR FAMILY SUCKS. Even though YOU know it's not true.

Get the hell over it, people.

The only opinion that matters about yourself IS YOUR OWN. You should be the only one you are trying to please, with a few minor insights to parents/family depending on your cultural background or morals/values. But ultimately, it is all about you. Why? Because guess what? You die alone. No one goes with you. You have to make your life as pleasant for yourself as possible.

Wanna go be an artist or musician? Take a fucking risk. GO! College, believe it or not, IS NOT FOR EVERYONE. I am the most supportive person when it comes to chasing dreams or trying things out. If you don't, you'll never know! Just go do it. Whatever "it" is for you, make it happen or at the least just attempt it.

Be proud of yourself, love yourself, and be happy. If happiness means leaving certain people behind, do it. If happiness means being selfish, then you'll have to be selfish until you find that middle ground. If being happy means going against your "norm" as you were raised/taught/whatever then go do it.

One last thing, the way you go about your drastic changes can differ depending on personal circumstances. There is never a need to hurt or piss off anyone INTENTIONALLY. Always be respectful and come from the point of view of "I" take responsibility for your choices by saying "I" here is what I mean:

DO NOT DO: "Fuck you, parents! You ruined my life! Bye! (moves away to Alaska)"

What I am trying to say is, do this: "I feel as though I've come to an age where I can make my own choices and part of my life journey is going out of my comfort zone and moving away. I'm really interested in living in Alaska, I am going to do this. I'm sorry if it hurts you or you'll miss me because I will def miss you too, but I need to do this for myself, I can only hope you understand"

See how many times I said "I"

Do what makes you happy, always. Life is too short to wait until tomorrow. Sometimes, tomorrow never comes and you've wasted your years on fantasizing and dreaming, assuming you had more time...



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