Things that really annoy the shit out of me

People who bluntly are rude or disrespectful to elder people, handicap people, or just people who are innocent and don't deserve to be treated this way.

Co-workers who are so desperate for PAY DAY to come around, yet, all week they talk about smoking pot, going out, getting drunk, taking vacations that they CLEARLY cannot afford. Get your shit together. Grow up. If not, at least stop talking about how bad you need money 24/7. I have no sympathy for IDIOTS who are just bad at money management and refuse to even try to get help/be better/do anything positive!

Adults/Teachers/Parents who make anyone younger than them feel like they do not matter. I can't stand this because I'm one of those people who truly believes EVERYONE can learn something new EVERYDAY from ANYONE. Open ya eyes, man!

When someone does a sub tweet, status update, or OPEN AIR "Indirect" comment that is meant for ONE to see but the person doesn't have enough of a backbone to actually directly confront the person... That drives me insane, and also instantly puts this person on the "Don't ever befriend this person" list.

Being at red lights when I really just need to get home, go pee, be somewhere. I know it's basically out of my control, but gosh it's frustrating when I'm in that moment, lol.

Anyone who doesn't know how to tip good waitresses or waiters easily allows me to think less of them.

People who yell at their parents.....Goes back to the no respect matter. Just staaahp.

Anyone who talks about being broke (often) yet owns an iPhone with a data plan each month, goes out to eat 4-5 days out of the week, uses all their 'extra' money on things that are UNNECESSARY (nails, hair, make-up, alcohol, drugs, car parts simply for beauty matter, etc).  If you're stupid about your money, don't make it so obvious. Or if you do also admit how dumb you are and you know why you're broke is because of your stupid lifestyle choices (lol).

Anyone who complains about being overweight/heavy/fat when in reality they are not suffering from any health issues and they CAN lose the weight as long as they were motivated/wanting it/dedicated/committed. I was overweight as I mentioned a million times before, but I made sure I didn't complain to anyone simply because I knew it was my own fault/life choices/food habits etc.

Managers who don't know how to manage. Period.

Cashiers/Waiters/Clerks who talk to co-workers or other people while helping you in your transaction. Pet peeve. Maybe be professional..

Lol, this is my little list of things from the top of my head, if you have more leave a comment below and add to it! :)

I have an older blog titled "Random" which is things that make me happy, so I have done the positive one first hehe! Check it out!!



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