Society Sucks

I was overweight. I was overweight for almost two years. Was I unhappy? No, not exactly. I had friends, I had a loving boyfriend, and I even dressed up and went out, a lot! The things that did bother me however, was when it came to family sometimes. I don't know whether it was my culture that caused this, or just simply the people I was around often only saw beauty to be one specific way: Skinny.

At times, I felt really disrespected and almost as if my opinion didn't matter and I wasn't taken seriously. Why? Because a lot of people are assholes and think that everyone who is heavy is either heavy because of personal choice, or super unhappy and insecure. Neither of these are true! Not everyone overweight is like this because they had a choice in the matter. Not everyone who is bigger is insecure. Some people are perfectly fine and happy this way! But, society sucks and they judge and make up their own ideas of beauty and happiness and label others. This brings some people to either make a change and take control, or just ignore society and go on with their content lives!

I, however, did make a change. Not because of family or friends or society. I just thought I would try something new and see if this 30 day challenge I saw on the social networking site Instagram, would work or not. I was truly very skeptical and laughing at the fact I even thought I would see any change. To my surprise I saw a huuuuuuuuuuge change. I lost 19 pounds in less than two weeks! I was shocked, happy, and seeing a whole new part of me that I never knew was missing. More confident. Taller shoulders. Bigger smiles! It was all so exciting and rejuvenating, I kept going. I have so far come down 34 pounds since January 30.

If you're reading this still and thinking " what? good for you"... My point in sharing these personal stories is to show you that, one, you are NOT alone. Many of us are in this together, and two, you can also make the change! (If you want to!) You definitely DON'T have to! Society will always judge whether you're one way or another, so who is anyone to say you are less than them? You are not. But, if you do notice you feel down or have self-esteem issues, or even confidence issues, I can say first hand that feeling GOOD about how you look does definitely help in this department!

If you're feeling motivated and up for it, make that change today! It can be small! Maybe cut out one or two bad things (bad as in sugary or loaded with sodium etc) and just take it day by day! You are totally in control of your body (For the people who are not battling any health issues at least) and you can make this difference as long as you want to! I am here to support and help anyone who needs it!

 If any of you read my previous blog that was apparently very offensive (That I truly didn't know until trusted people told me) I apologize if I offended you in any way, because that was never ever my intention. I would never hurt someone or want them to feel like they are less than anyone. I just wanted to bring light on the matter that society sucks and people do get labeled! But, its up to you whether you give a shit or not, and if you do, you can make some changes to feel a little bit better! :)

You are beautiful, you know it, now let it show to others. What are you afraid of? At least if you try and keep going you can't say it didn't work, because if you keep going, you aren't done yet. You got this! Now get movin!!!!


PS: To those who are able to take control and make a change, I say go for it because I honestly do notice a difference in how certain people see me or treat me. I personally think it's due to the fact some people have to see something in order to respect it and if someone is working out very hard and losing weight no one can really take that away from them. Makes sense. But, anyway, love you all, thanks for reading!


  1. Society sets unreachable standards of beauty, which are always fluctuating.



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