Growing up & a lil update

What is growing up to you? Is it having a child? Changing your lifestyle? Owning your own things? Realizing right from wrong and choosing right? Saying no to yourself? What is it?

Growing up is different to each individual. No two people can argue when one believes they have grown. Why? Because when someone is saying they have grown up, they are measuring their own life habits and lifestyles, and noticing the differnet steps they've taken. Whether the change is agreeing with your own definition or not doesn't matter.

Lately, I catch myself thinking "Wow, I've really grown up" when it comes to specific situations that I have dealt with in the past. My outcome and decisions on how to go about certain things has drastically changed. Is it better? I think so. One very big portion is the fact that I care less what others have to say about my life. That can be taken as a good thing, or a bad thing, depending on who am I referring to.

I say it's a good thing.

I haven't been blogging as much, and I do miss it. I am currently really, really into YouTube and working towards gaining a bigger audience. I would truthfully be satisfied with 1,000 subscribers. To me, that would be amazing. I am right now at 278. I started to use my YouTube account in July 2011. I am hoping for 500 subs by July 2012. I believe it's possible.

I  took a semester off school this year. I have so much more time for.. anything. I've made a gym routine and stuck to it. I work a lot more, and of course have all that extra time for YouTube and other things. I know I have to go back, though. I'll enjoy it while I can.

I am turning 23 in less than a week. I am excited, because 23 is my second favorite number. No reason. Just a cool number to me.

To the people who read my blog--if you leave a comment and inquire advice or help or video ideas ect, please leave an email or something if your comment requires a reply. I've gotten some very interesting comments, but I really do not know how to reply and I do want to give feedback..I'd appreciate some kind of communication..

Twitter me if you must. @suma1ra

Until next time...take care!



  1. Sumaira,
    I love your blog and your YouTube channel! You give amazing advice and your outlook on life is admirable. I wanted to ask you for some semi-personal advice but I didn't know how else to reach you. If you have the time can you email me at:
    Thank you so much and I truly enjoy your videos and blogs, keep it going! :)


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