Social Networking...but is it Working?

How many social networking sites do we need people?! Are the current social sites not working?! MySpace is (was) good...Facebook is great...Twitter is awesome...YouTube is fun....and now Google+ really? REALLY? I mean it's nice that it's new and improved (at least this is what majority of the people I know are saying).

But why! Everything was fine with Facebook. I just ... I feel like it's becoming overwhelming and semi-annoying.

I can predict Google+ will replace Facebook. Give it a few weeks...

I wish there was ONE networking site (only) and it included all of it... YouFaceSpitter+ or like FaceSpace+YouTwit lol ... I don't know. I just can't believe it. I thought we were done! I should've known better.

If I knew HTML and such I'd just start some damn site and maybe become a billionaire like Marc Z! (I wish!)

Anyway, so let me contradict myself real quick. I just made (started to use) a YouTube channel that I created in 2006 and never used. I have exactly one video which only pertains to one specific friend for a birthday. But I plan to upload more and begin doing video blogs

 :D  Click here to watch!

Don't worry readers (all nine of ten of you, heheheh) I will still keep this blog, too and update occasionally. I might use some previous blog topics in my videos as well.

OH and for anyone who enjoys music, I came across a site that is amazing! The site has great music as well as variety. I later found out I actually know the person who created the website, so I'd like to share because I know so many people who say, "give me songs to download" and now, you don't have to ask. I've gone through about five of the twenty five pages and downloaded music that was new to me or music I hadn't had a chance to come across yet. It includes artists such as Drake, Wayne, Snow Patrol, Red Hot Chili Peppers ect ect ect

You can see for yourself here. It is called The Quiet Floor. Pretty clean if you ask me!



  1. I'll probably just stick to Facebook for now given that I rarely make use of it anyways, lol. Besides, I have a habit of jumping on board with new stuff after it becomes old, LOL. Is Google+ already out? It doesn't seem long ago that I was listening to the idea of it on NPR. It sounded cool, but I think it will take much longer than a few weeks to replace Facebook.

  2. I'm sticking to Facebook now cause Google+ confuses me :)

  3. Lol, I hope everyone sticks to FB but I just have a feeling it is going to go down just like MySpace did


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