You're being bitch slapped & you don't even know it!

There is an old habit that many can't break, and don't even realize it's a bad habit. Cell phone usage at inappropriate times.

We can do basically anything on cell phones today....Read the newspaper, update facebook, check the weather, calculate something, email someone, check an email, drop a class, check a grade, ect ect ect...

Texting is the number one "distraction" that I am blogging about, today. I say distraction because...

When you are talking to someone face to face and this person is checking their text message or replying to a text message, it's actually very, very rude. (I'm guilty of this, too, mainly when I'm around my boyfriend [sorry, babe!] but with friends I'm pretty good about putting away my phone).

We may not realize this, BUT texting is a form of TALKING. So when you're conversing with your mother, friend, boyfriend/girlfriend, teacher, sibling, ect, and you get a message or feel a vibrate, the MINUTE you answer, you basically have cut off who ever is talking to you (silently, obviously) and you are now engaging in a whole different conversation with someone else.

So think to yourself, it's the same thing as if you and I were speaking, and Julia pops into the room and starts talking to me and I instantly turn to Julia and start babbling about whatever. I don't care what we are talking about, but I just bitch slapped person number one in the face and they didn' (or did they?)

Some people will call you out and I commend these brave folks because they know their self worth and they aren't going to be cut off.

The other group, the silently annoyed-wanting-to-say-something-but-its-easier-to-just-not ARE FED UP! Stop doing it! (Maybe they will start speaking up!)

But really, stop. It's rude and it's annoying and it's pathetic that you cannot leave your little device alone for ten mins.

It's different if you click your phone off, check the message and don't reply, that is not as bad, but when you start replying and having a conversation, it's pretty bad.

Also, one of my pet peeves that brought about this blog is when friends text during hang-outs. For example, group of us playing games/talking/watching TV/or at the movies and the whooooole time there is person X who just never let go of their cell phone. Makes me (and people) think, why not go hang out with the person you are texting so vigorously? Why even come here? Is there really something that important going on that you must talk about? and if so, why not leave the room and go CALL so you can finish the conversation/get the details faster?

Phone calls? Just leave the room or go somewhere that we cannot hear your whole conversation.

During dinner? If you keep your phone out during dinner, I don't care how many other people have their phone out, most likely they have a child, if you don't qualify for this then put your damn phone away! Keep it in your pocket if you must feel know the exact time someone has messaged you...which more than likely won't even be an important message.

see? She is being a bitch. You're not a bitch. So, don't be mistaken for one by this simple annoyance.

Games? Games are another distraction that come on cell phones. Leaves the games for times when you're taking a dump, alone at home, in a long car ride (although this one ONLY when you're not driving with someone who is talking with you), when you're in bed.

The most annoying of all has to be the classroom texters. We are in college, you are paying for this class (or the financial aid, but still) why the HELL are people texting in class THE WHOLE TIME? Pay some attention to the lecture and go somewhere in your life. Stop texting in class like you're bored. If you're that bored just leave. You won't gain anything by just sitting there, taking up space, and disturbing people who are actually listening/taking notes.

If you're guilty of this, too, then just stop from here on! It's more annoying and rude than you may have thought. And you knoooow you hate it when someone does it to you.

I will, however, say if you ever with a group or person that you don't even want to be around, this is a good time to do the above things because this will make it very clear to the person (hopefully) that you want them to go away and they will (maybe) leave you alone :) So, it's not always a bad thing, but majority of the time it is!

Just a few thoughts. :)



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