
I'm baaaaaaaaaack! :) Why haven't I blogged in so long? Where have the weeks gone? Ahh! So many thoughts! lsdkfjalsdjfldsjl <--spazzing

Okay for starters, Extreme Home Makeover aires on Sunday at 8PM! YAY! One of my favorite shows is coming back to TV! I cannot WAIT!!!!

I've been obsessing with Publix (cooked) sushi for the past six days.

I've spent almost ALL my free time with my boyfriend lately and I freaking LOVE it!

I am still job hunting but not as aggresively as others. I almost hope the people will not hire me so I can continue to have all this free time. hahaha. But I am looking, I swear. I've applied to many places.

I chucked out $335.00 Got'damn dollars on VISION! Lenses for my glasses that haven't been updated (prescription wise) in over four years.....contacts.....and exam. I should look into optomitry.

School is almost over! Ha, that's a joke. This SEMESTER is almost over but then six days later summer classes begin! FUN! :)

I got (enter large amount of money in here) from financial aid and it all went to school/bills/glasses. I will never have the joy of just spending that money on fun items. Grr.

Many people think I have a son because almost all my defaults include my cousin's cute baby. (Harris<3)

I began wearing my retainer again! I will always need to wear it, forever. What the hell was the point of braces?

I part my hair differently and it makes a big difference, apparnetly.

I am no longer interested in buying an ipod/iphone.

I have a personal trainer at Lifestyles and I love it! Three days a week! I am getting back into shape (finally). I am also counting calories, with help from the "MyFitnessPal" application. :)

By August I shall be at UNF and never return to FSCJ! (If all paperwork goes well).

Oh, and there's this new show called Extreme Couponing and I really like it, BUT I also think these people have serious problems, because although they save hundreds of dollars they are also somewhat manic....

They have over thousands of each product in their home...yet...they buy the same thing again just to save the money.... it's really not that serious...One guy on tonight's episode actually donated over a thousand+ things for troops overseas and that was logical and awesome to do, but the other families just keep stockin and stockin and have no space at home for all the items....Cool it down people!

The show makes you want to save as much as these people do, but who the hell has that much time (besides these folks) ? It literally takes them HOURS and HOURS to plan a trip which then the trip itself takes HOURS as well. Sheesh! But hey, good for them!

 I will clip coupons here and there but I will not get sucked in like that. I just know myself and I'm too obbsessive and I'll also have a problem in the end. So, NO THANKS! But good show. I like watching. Shows with homes/decorating are still my favorite, though  :)



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