If you're still holding on, LET GO

In friendships, relationships, family ties there is always one annoying problem that sometimes happens/exists and we all still hold on so that we don't ruin anything. Let me explain. One day you are fine and the sun is out and everyone is getting along perfectly.

Then, all of a sudden SOMETHING happens. A fight, an argument, a confession, a truth seen without words being said, and you realize you and this _____ (whoever) will never be the same again. You will still love each other, but it's not the same. But you hold on for dear life because you just cannot live without this person.

Here's my point of view. If you are the ONLY one still trying to make ammends, LET GO. If you are the only person putting effort into calling or planning events just to see this person, LET GO. The more you hold on (tightly) the farther you are pushing them, because all you're doing is becoming a "chaser" and the person being chased will only enjoy that (without admitting) and NOT respond to you the way you desire. You'll see the mineute you LET GO and do your own thing, move on, forget TRYING, things will (most of the time) fall into place.

If you're lucky, birthdays sometimes squash bad memories. Months of weirdness between you and someone can easily be fixed by (normally their) birthday. It's a time to kind of start over and have a reason as to why you're going all out on them (that is, if you still wish to make whatever ammend to the relationship). But not all situations can be fixed just through a birthday.

Other times, unfortunetly, nothing is resolved until years later or even during a funeral. It's sad, but the truth. Whatever it was that drifted you and someone apart, if their worthy of being in your life--YOU just do all that YOU can, and you HAVE to leave the rest on them (this part sucks, but you have to stop trying so hard).

When you find your answer, whether they put some effort in as well or choose to keep acting as if you aren't there, you'll have your answer and in a way, it is the answer you want because at this point you will know where you stand with this person and you hopefully will move forward together or stop trying so hard and just move on with life. If the answer turns out that they just don't give a shit about you anymore, it's okay, because you will be fine and you will learn to adjust. Don't be in denial though and try to pretend things are okay when you know they are not. I think that's the part that hurts most. Pretending and believing something untrue. At least when you know the harsh truth, you're somewhat freed and now you can move forward, alone.



  1. I had a childhood best friend that until this day treated me the best. Then one day another friend said words that basically broke us up. We stopped talking to each other for like 2 years, then made up, but it was never the same. I finally just let go, cause it was just too awkward. I honestly wish we could have gone back to the way it was before.


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