we all need it

Steve Harvey once joked, "The only way to help a poor person is by not being one!" I laughed soooo hard, because it caught me off guard. His sense of humor agrees with mine, though.

I like stand up comedy a lot. I mainly like laughing. Laughing is healthy. Supposedly people who laugh more, live longer. I don't know if it's true, but it's worth trying ;)

The other day I don't know why I thought about this joke, but I did. The more I thought about it, the more I realized I saw a different side to this phrase, which maybe was never meant to be seen. What I found in this statement is basically people need motivation. Us humans need to see results or proof before we have hope or motivation to accomplish something. Sure, there's the people who self-motivate too, but almost always there is something or someone they have seen who has already accomplished such heights, which is why they strive to also accomplish whatever goal, or even better, exceed the already done.

To help a fat person, you can't be fat. (Technically you could be, but what kind of motivation is that for the already fat person?)

To help a slow person, you can't be slow.

To help a person who can't walk, you have to know how to walk.

We need to see that it's able to be done, so we can push ourselves and do it too. Maybe Steve Harvey just meant for us to laugh at him, but hell, there's truth in this joke. To help a poor person, you can't be one.

We all need motivation.



  1. I used to like watching the Steve Harvey show. I used to think he was funny. But now he is bald and his baldness creeps me out.


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