Judgement is for bored people

Have you ever been driving in a car with someone, and you find yourself thinking to yourself,  "God, will you just shut the hell up?" No, not cause their motor mouth, but because their so judgemental. Well, I haven't lately, but I remember during High School and whatnot I had several people in my life that were so annoyingly judgemental of other people who they did not know. I was actually one of these people (kind of), but I didn't know it at the time.

When someone is unaware of a particular kind of a person, they immediately dislike, or associate feelings similar to dislike. Their uneducated, unfamiliar, unaware, and instead of taking interest and asking, they are maybe afraid or uncomfortable, and resort to making a joke or saying something that they think the other person (friend) in the room wants to hear, but usually the other person (friend) laughs along for the sake of you. (Unless their not about that, then they'll of course make you feel stupid).

It's funny that I was such a judgemental person at one time, because I was often the one who was being judged, so you'd think I'd know better. Wearing a hijab (head scarf) all four years of High school put me at the center of everyone's attention, visual-wise anyway. I was made fun of, yeah yeah, but it all fades away eventually.

When I judged friends/people I didn't even know it. I only found out after damage or feelings were hurt, through the closer friend or sibling who had to 'put me in check'. I was so strong about my own morals and values that I guess without realizing it, I had displayed feelings of disgust when people did things or talked about things, that at the time I disapproved of (for myself). Woops!

I'm glad I went through that wake up, because now I know that whether something is wrong to me or right to me, it can be a whole different ball game for another. Just because I don't like to wear all black, doesn't mean the girl down the street should feel like a retard for enjoying to do so. I or anyone else should not laugh or point or make faces to her. She probably (who ever this person is that enjoys all black attire) most likely thinks we are fools for wearing things that match and have vibrant colors (or whatever).

Lots of judgement out there. Young mothers. Almost seems like that should be a whole different blog. But I'll say what I feel. If the act is already done to where a young woman is pregnant, nine times out of ten she didn't want this. Who wants to have a child and be responsible for the rest of this kid's life at an age where you're still supposed to be out "living" the life?

If it's at this point, why make someone feel like shit? Why call them a _____ (insert hurtful name)? They didn't do it alone, they didn't ever think it would happen to them, and they certainly are trying to cope and change around their life to adjust to this new life coming into the world. (Many don't do all this but I am referring to the soon-to-be-mothers who get their act together).

We have parents, neighbors, co-workers, friends, parents of friends, Church members all talking shit about these young girls who are already in such a bind. I think we all need to keep all our negative/bad comments to ourselves. We don't need to voice anything that is intentionally hurting someone. Yeah, it's wrong, maybe to you. But maybe to someone else it's sucha dramatic change that it forces them to change for the better. You never know God's plan.

Judgement is for people who are bored. People who are insecure. People who are uneducated. People who are scared. People who are unhappy. Just remember, one day it could be you in whatever situation and you wouldn't want people saying things that would hurt you.

Everyone does it, it's true, but if we could try to watch what we say, we could influence our friends and family. I know my littlest sister had a big impact on me just the other day when I said something really mean and unnecessary about someone in line ahead of me. I thought it'd be funny and I was wrong. She put me in check! And she even unintentionally inspired me to blog about it, because I really felt embarrassed and stupid for saying such a mean thing for no reason after her response. I was simply being a hater and a bad role model. Woops! But hey, we live, we learn and hopefully we don't make the same mistakes twice. :)



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