In-laws and shit

I don't think marriage can be at it's best unless each person is on good terms with their in-laws. For some reason when I hear this word I automatically result to being pissed off, because this term is associated with a bad connotation for me, for personal reasons I won't share.

I do believe your marriage can be successful and happy, but not as happy as it could be if you were okay with the mother and father of the person you choose to marry. Why? Why do they matter soooo much? Well for starters these two people did raise the person you are in love with. Hopefully you're in love if you're planning on marrying. These two adults had a significant impact on the outlook of your spouse's life. Hopefully they are good people who believe in right versus wrong and not stealing ect. If not, hopefully the person you love learned from their mistakes and won't repeat them.

Also, when you love someone you have to remember they have a family they came from. They love that family. If you and this family don't get along, it makes it hard on the person you love. It's unfair to have to seperate two parties of loved ones, just because the two adults can't get along. No husband or wife should have to experience being the seperator, but it happens. Before people get married they really need to look into if they can handle this kind of problem (if there is one). It may even break up a couple if these problems exist pre-marriage, depending on the two people.

So what about when you're not married? What if you're just dating? Do you still need to be on good terms? Yes! Especially if your boyfriend/girlfriend lives at home still. Oh boy. You need to make sure sunshine is shining out of your ass. If it isn't, it is going to be difficult visiting your boyfriend/girlfriend's place of stay.

If you want to avoid having to have any kind of relatioship with your in-laws or future in-laws (good or bad) you must live as far away as possible! Move! Leave! Re-locate! and make sure you keep a distance. The less you see/speak to one another, the more neutral and professional it becomes versus personal, even though it's a given that this will be a personal relationship.

If you have a wonderful lovely happy beautiful relationship with your in-laws and shit, good, hope it stays that way! But most likely, it won't. Just kidding!

What about sister and brother in-laws? Haha. These people like to think their thoughts matter, but they don't. They only matter to the direct sibling. Unless you know that the person you're about to marry is super duper close to their sibling, then in this case it matters a lot and you must make effort to atleast try and have a friendship. If not, do NOT force it or try too hard and remember, ultimately, only you matter.

Remember, don't take shit from anyone! Marry who you love. Avoid in-law drama --> Move away!



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