What is with drivers these days?

I don't get it! Everyone's in such a damn rush to get somewhere, that they practically asking to get hit! I was driving home today, (earlier than intended, thanks to won't-say-any-names) and as I tried to make my way into the far right lane, some preoccupied asshole almost swerved and hit me while trying to jump into the left lane! There was plenty of lane left for him to slowly make his way, but NO, he was in some panic rush and almost killed me =(

Okay, okay, he didn't almost kill me, but he could have! I think ever since I stopped texting and driving I'm actually observing the road much MORE, because I notice other drivers, (while I'm in traffic) doing multiple things from eating, make-up, reading, hitting kids, and texting that it's like driving is the distraction. Vehicles are not light. If you're going 40-55 MPH and you're operating this huge metal machine and you suddenly collide because your bagel fell or your mascara drops in your lap, don't be shocked when you fly out of your car! May I add that if you happen to DIE in this situation, YOU die, your FAMILY suffers! ah! I don't know why I'm so obbessed now into driving and making sure I'm silently patrolling but damn, I guess it isn't a horrible thing.....

I think I'm just glad that I know I'm being safer than I was before. If you're reading this and you're guilty of any of the above, don't feel bad or make excuses, just simply don't repeat it  =)

And I just want to add that since I began driving back in 2005, I've always been afraid to merge and let on-coming mergers into my lane. IT FREAKS ME OUT!



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