R a n d o m !

I wish I had enough money to where I only had to work ten hours a week, if that. I want security. I would love to work because I wanted to, not because I had to. I once had this....when I was sixteen. =D

I want to be this:
I'm here, at Comcast, where majority of my time is spent. (sad, I know) I got here at 6 AM and I won't be leaving til 10 pm. No, I didn't work the whole time. I clocked out from my normal shift at 2:30PM and now I'm on this 'break' until 6pm. I've gone to the local Town Center, I've ate an amazing Chick-fila southwest salad (highly recommended, $5.95) and now I'm sitting here, bored. Blogging. Thinking. Wishing I could sleep. Sigh.

I'm going to make a list of pet peeves.

1) Tardyness. I can't stand when people are always late. I'm very, very punctual. When someone close to me is always running behind, I think I almost want to leave them behind. Ha ha. I wish I was like this in high school. I would have saved lots of time waiting on whats-her-name. (Drove this ungrateful bitch to school for two years and I was always on HER watch.) btw, no I didn't know she was a bitch. This was realized six years later.

2) People who are DUMB for no reason. At my job, I deal with (seriously) the dumbest people. I understand not everyone will know a modem from a router, but when you don't know what a mouse is, or where your power button is, why do you even own a computer? What do you do on it? ...beats me

3) Siblings who take/use your stuff as if it's theirs because it's under the same roof. UGH. no.

4) The smell of ciggerette smoke. This one I have no choice in. My allergies go nuts and if I even smell a little on someone...my nose starts dripping and I sneeze for a continuous three to four mins.

5) Commericials that completely throw me off. They talk about toothpaste and teeth and then you find out the actual commericial is about photography. ..what the heck?

Okay, now I'm going to make a list of things that make me happy. This will probally be longer, because lots of things make me happy! =)

1) The smell of clean laundry. <3


2) My coffee made just right at Dunkin.

3) Waking up thinking I have to be somewhere, and then realizing I can still sleep!

4) Photography; any kind. Looking at/taking.

5) Paying my bills. I feel so accomplished after.

6) CLEANING! The dirtier, the better. That way I see significant results. Oh-my-God.

7) Shopping by accident. When I go somewhere to just look or waste time and I find the perfect shirt or scarf or nail polish. ahhh.

8) Being able to record my TV shows. (Because I never get to watch them on time.)

9) Getting good grades/being in school. I like learning and knowing I'm bettering my future. Even if its just one or two classes. I hate not being in school. I think I'm a nerd at heart.

10) Diaries/Journals/Note pads that are pretty or striped.

11) Working, ironically. I like being busy.

12) Seeing girls I am no longer friends with gain weight. hahahahah.

13) Drake & Nicki Minaj's rap style and voices.

                                                                     14) Blogging. <3



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