My life, today

I don't know where to start. A lot has changed in this past month. Some for the better, others not so much. But either way I am making it work. This keyboard is already pissing me off, though. stupid Dell computers.

I'm at school, not for actual class today, but for career counseling. I need direction. I don't know what I want to do with myself career wise. I love psychology, people, helping people, writing, and teaching. Sounds easy to narrow it down, huh? No. I don't know what I love enough to do I want to be happy with the job I make my career.

That's me, the white girl, with the counselor, except she's white at my school, and a lady.

I'm sort of nervous to see what this lady suggests for me, after evaluating my interests. Who is to say she's even gonna help? I'll have to wait and see.

It's only 1:03 PM right now and my appointment isn't until 3:30 PM. I came early to do paperwork for financial aid, only to find out I don't need to until mid-summer, because apparently my current financial aid is supposedly going to take care of my summer classes as well....I think their wrong, but we will see. I used to trust school guidance office and people, but then reality hit when they didn't know shit, so now I stay on top of things. :) By the way--Students at FSCJ we can sign up for summer term March 7 (if you have 45+ credits) March 8 (if you have 30+ credits) and March 9 (if you're anyone).

I don't work anymore currently. :)

By the way, my birthday is Thursday. Am I excited? No.

I'm sort of more stressed out, and now more broke thanks to my license expiring Thursday. I paid $54.12 today to renew my license, along with $74.99 for my tag. Yay for Capital One credit card! My cash/savings is not going towards these silly things, haha!

The ups about not working include: sleeping more, watching TV like you never have (and falling in love with Lifetime all over again), having time to work out regularly, seeing people you normally never had time for, writing more, seeing my family more :)....


The down side to not working: sleeping so much I'm tired more than usual, enjoying TV and knowing it's about to be downgraded- since I won't have free cable anymore, having to work out so I don't feel so tired from sitting so much, seeing people I want to but majority hang outs consist of coffee buying or food buying so I'm spending and NOT getting a refill in my checkings account anytime soon, just living off my savings/credit card.

Okay it is now 1:30 PM. This sucks. I still have so much time to waste. I don't have any homework, either. I was being pro-active earlier, and I finished all assignments at 10 AM!

I guess I'll stay in this computer lab and just ...sit here....



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