I mean this in the most humble way possible...


....but want to know what I love more? When others tell me that they enjoy reading my blogs! I mean, I absolutely love writing, but knowing someone else actually loves reading it, that makes it all the better.

It's kind of like when you were about to throw away tons of food you didn't need/want, and then you realize that there's a homeless family or animal nearby that could actually eat it, so you  feel pumped with joy to want to help and give to the people/animals. <3

I realized this passion in the eighth grade. I won a poetry contest and I wasn't even trying. The more I wrote, I saw it was easy to me, natural. So anyone who is 'following' along, I'm really honored that you enjoy my writing. It really makes me smile from ear to ear!

Now, of course there is a reason for tonight's post. RED BOX. dun dun dun.
Okay, so I used to work at Blockbuster Video from 2007-2009, and I was anti-red box, because obviously I remained loyal to my employer. The day I quit Blockbuster I ran to red box the next time I wanted to see a movie. Two years later, I'm still a red box customer. =) 

So...what's the problem?

PEOPLE! Why on earth are people so inconsiderate?! I was waiting to just simply return my sister's rental and these two women (one was about fifteen, the other her mom or aunt about forty) they stood in line first, waiting for their turn. Okay, cool, I'm waiting behind you in this not-so-warm hoodie.

Suddenly it's their turn. I'm happy because I'm one step closer to returning these two DVDs. Why is it that while these two were standing waiting on the first customer, they didn't think, "Hmm, maybe I should decide what the hell I want to see"

.......TEN whole minuets later, FINALLLLLLLY they select three movies.

 And then they took another five minuets to figure out how to pay. SERIOUSLY?

Okay so point being- Please be considerate of others. While in drive-thru, red box, lines... be prepared! Don't waste time! If there's no line, sure take a year or two, but if there are several people behind you, and you happen to be outside while its fifty degrees, please be considerate and hurry the F up! =)



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