Children, and stuff

I read this insane article last week that I've been meaning to blog about, but had no time. Listen to this! A woman had a baby in a toilet and didn't even know she was pregnant....! What the HELL? I can't believe that, I won't believe that. She had to have pushed (ew) and how could you not flush? You must have seen the child. And then leaving the poor baby in toilet? :( So sad. I have the article if anyone wants to cry

On better note, I want to talk about adoption. I really would love to adopt a child once I'm financially stable/have my own home. I know I have a lot of love to give and many children out there need it. I think I'd prefer to have a little Pakistani girl. I hope that isn't bad, to prefer one race or something over another, I just really want a little girl. Asian and black would be my next preferences. :)

this is me when I was three or four, I can't remember. That's my brother behind me :) I was so cute. lol.


  1. I don't think its bad to prefer one race over another when you are talking about adoption as long as it is a child in need who cares what race they are because you would be doing something good for humanity which is what the girl in the article above should have done if she did not want a baby put it up for adoption.

  2. Children from whom they want to be liberated. Set aside, then the rest will be donated or thrown away. Ask to get rid of things, they look cleaning in different light.


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