
Growing up & a lil update

What is growing up to you? Is it having a child? Changing your lifestyle? Owning your own things? Realizing right from wrong and choosing right? Saying no to yourself? What is it? Growing up is different to each individual. No two people can argue when one believes they have grown. Why? Because when someone is saying they have grown up, they are measuring their own life habits and lifestyles, and noticing the differnet steps they've taken. Whether the change is agreeing with your own definition or not doesn't matter. Lately, I catch myself thinking "Wow, I've really grown up" when it comes to specific situations that I have dealt with in the past. My outcome and decisions on how to go about certain things has drastically changed. Is it better? I think so. One very big portion is the fact that I care less what others have to say about my life. That can be taken as a good thing, or a bad thing, depending on who am I referring to. I say it's a good thing.

Lying, when do you consider it okay?

I was watching one of my favorite shows last night, Tough Love Miami , hosted by Steve Ward , and the it was the eighth episode. Each week there is a theme or topic covered, and this week it was Lying . I was really inspired to write/blog/make a video on this topic, because I think it's one topic everyone will be interested in, both men and women . So, we know everyone lies. What do you personally consider appropriate? When is lying okay? Is lying okay? Is the truth always better ? Something to consider: Many people tell white lies to avoid hurting someone's feelings, especially someone the person cares for. So are white lies okay? Are they better than the harsh truth? Here are some examples. Someone takes hours to cook a meal for you and they are very excited to finally have you sit and eat. You take one bite and realize it lacks flavor , taste and all the things you need in order to enjoy a meal.  Do you sit there and make a face and tell the truth, &qu

Why not improve?

Oh, blog! I've missed writing! I recently got into video making on YouTube and I completely neglected my blog. Sad face. Never again! So, I was watching one of my favorite shows today, Millionaire Matchmaker . It's basically this woman, Patti, who's job is to find millionaires love, who seek it. They come to her and tell her what they are looking for in a partner and why their last relationships failed . She gets all the info she needs, has a team of people who find people in the area with those qualities, and then they all interview random men/women and pick the people she thinks are best fit for the millionaire. It's a very good show, because it's entertaining to see whether or not she makes the match. Nine times out of ten, she is succesful. I like it also, because some people honestly don't know what they want and waste her time and she holds back no verbal feelings and lets loose. It's pretty hilarious! So, anyway, my point in explain

Always do what you love

"If you love what you're doing, you're not really working!" I heard this a few weeks ago, and it hit me kind of hard. This is such a true statement! If you love what you're doing that means you are happy and when you are happy will time fly by, and when time flies by you aren't really waiting to punch out or go home. This is essential for anyone who is working or has/wants a career. Whether you love cleaning and you genuinely want to be a janitor or something similar, to a guy who maybe loves sports so much that he just wants to be a gym teacher or coach. YOU MUST LOVE WHAT YOU DO! Or else you'll be pretty bitter and upset majority of the time...and no one likes an upset person... After thinking about this and wanting to blog for a few weeks now, I reconnected with an old friend from my little ten-year-old-days, and I came to learn he is doing some pretty awesome things! He owns part of a website that shares his hobby/skill/passion for photograph