
I just downloaded old favorites and I am one happy person!!!!

I woke up today, with way too much free time, as I have been for the past seven days or so. I stayed in bed, my little dogs were so confused because usually I get up and have ten thousand things going on. It looks like this normally. 7:30 AM : Get up, pee, brush my teeth and try to open my eyes. 7:40 AM : Go to living room, open up dog crates and follow them to the door to let them outside because they have to pee apparently worse than I did. hahaha. 7:45 AM: Start shower, let it get warm, pick out or try to clothes or adult like things to look normal in the world. 7:50 AM: Start coffee, get out toaster to make toast or boil eggs. something along these lines do something for breakfast. 8:00 AM: Jump into shower 8:15 AM: Jump out of shower (yes I shower pretty quickly, sometimes even faster than 15) 8:20 AM: remember to let dogs in, let them eat too before I leave 8:30 AM: Get stuff together and dress and put on shoes and go over hair and all that stuff. etc etc

How to tell if it’s time to stop putting effort into a friendship

Friendships are sometimes more intimate relationships than romantic ones. We share so much with our close friends; it’s easy, effortless and we both become a part of one another. So, what happens when we grow up? The friend you've maybe known longest is slowly becoming the friend you interact with the least. Is it by choice? Because of schedules clashing? Or is it because one of you has stopped trying? Moved away? Changed in habits? It’s easy to point fingers and blame another person for all they do wrong or things they maybe do not do at all. I’ve read tons of articles on friendships and sometimes when the writer says two people grow apart and its natural - I disagree. My view is that people don’t just grow apart; they allow themselves to grow apart. If you don’t see someone for two to three weeks and you miss them, what do you do? Normally, you would find a way to connect and offer a hang out or something of that nature. You reach out and you try to see what plans can b

5 Reasons why Graduating "late" is fine

So, let’s be honest. People younger than you are getting their degrees and you can’t help but feel sad inside because you still haven’t had the chance to finish your own degree. Whether the delay be money, kids, work schedules, or simply not knowing what you wanted to commit to for years and study, in your head you are ‘behind.’ The reality, my friend, you are not behind. This idea that a person graduates at 18, knows exactly what the fuck they want to do for the next 50 years, have the ability to pay for college within three months, and then go graduate is complete bullllllshit. This routine is not realistic for many people, and guess what? That IS okay. Here’s a list to remind you beautiful souls why graduating “late” is actually great! 1.        You will be older. This is obvious, but, it’s true. Here’s what comes with being older….experience! Maybe the experience won’t be the ideal “in the job related field” but other life experiences go a long way. While a younger person

10 Perfect Ways to be the Worst In-Law

Here’s a very sensitive topic that no one wants to tackle, so I did! I’ve seen/heard/read a lot about “horrible in-laws” so I decided to make the top 10 ways to be the worst one, if you were looking to achieve that! With wedding season upon us, I felt it was right. Hehe, enjoy! 1.        Be an alcoholic, the kind that functions in public but gets distant and cold at home. Those are really fun and you never know what mood you’ll be in during the consumption. It’s kind of like a game! Everyone loves games! 2.        Be really, really, hot and cold. Sometimes, when something good happens to you and you want to be kind and sweet to everyone, be really friendly and make false promises, and then when you get in a sour mood because you’re secretly bi-polar, just start being distant and cold and make the others wonder what wrong they’ve done to deserve this kind of treatment! 3.        Always only communicate through your actual blood relative and let the husband/wife of your lo