
Delete, Block, Live

Ever been caught in a state of questioning yourself as to whether you should keep someone on your social media account? We've all been there. If you're questioning it, must be some reason behind it. Anyone you're thinking twice about needs to go. Could be a coworker, old acquaintance, an in-law, or just a person you no longer have interest in hearing from or seeing updates from. Just let em' go. It's your social media account, you have every right to weed out people. If anyone takes it personal that's on them. You are in charge of your own happiness. I've unfollowed and removed so many people on the simple basis that their posts are ignorant and annoying and they make me hate the publisher. Instead of hating anyone I just unfollow their feed. No more problems. Happy me! If the person is someone you actually dislike or have reason to remove that requires a more permanent basis I recommend blocking. Don't question it; just do it. Move

Second Survivor meeting for 2015!

It's the third week of the month again! This means our second survivor meeting of 2015 is this Thursday, February 19, 2015. If you are a survivor of homicide or a friend of a family's who has endured such a tragedy, come to our support meeting this Thursday evening located at 126 W Adams Street (5th floor, conference room) Parking is free on the streets after 6:00 P.M. and our meetings typically begin 5:30 P.M.-6:00 P.M. and go on until 8:00 P.M. Refreshments are provided and stories are shared. Meet others who first hand know what you are going through. You do not have to speak or share your story at all, sometimes listening is enough. If you care to share, however, all ears will be for you. I attended January's meeting and left feeling very humbled. It was sad, inspiring, tearful, fun, and over all meaningful and helpful. Don't be afraid to come by, just show up, and find out what we are all about at Compassionate Families. -ssr

Wait, do I smell like that?

Okay- I know I am not the only person this has happened to... I walk into the gym pumped up to do some cardio because God knows I prefer elliptical running over concrete- and I see a plethora of empty machines and think YES! ALL THIS IS MINE! I AM THE CHOSEN ONE! I feel as if I have just won the lottery! No one around to bug me! I can pick any machine I want, the world is MINE! And happens....about 10-15 mins into my awesome playlist and furious running on the elliptical someone decides to join my party... THERE ARE SO MANY EMPTY MACHINES. WHY ARE YOU CHOOSING THIS ONE NEXT TO ME? YOU ARE RUINING MY FOCUS.  So many things running through my head as I continue to run on this elliptical. Bonus workout, my brain? No, we are not racing. Why do you smell like that? Wait, do I smell like that? What is your intention? Am I an asshole for getting annoyed? Did you just fart? Why did you do this? Why are you running so fast and you just started?

Jealous friend? Let that bit GO!

Jealousy…let’s define it. According to Jealousy is resentment against a rival, a person enjoying success or advantages etc or against another’s success or advantage itself. If this is the case, why do we often experience jealousy from a loved one? Weird, right? Well, too bad the reality is that many people do get jealous of their friends and family. It is quite unattractive... but it happens. Few people are obvious about their feelings of jelly while others can keep their jealous feelings a secret…that is of course a secret for a small time, it begins to show soon! I have been jealous before. Truthfully, most of my adolescent years were wasted being jealous of things or other people. The root of my jealousy, and majority of most people, is insecurity. When a person feels inferior or believes they lack some quality or trait that others have. I was so incredibly insecure and unsure of myself at all times. I yearned for approval from everyone I w