

are such shit. Waste of time. Distractions from my own focus.  They love to do with you when it benefits them. Convenient timing. On their watch. Ooooooooooookay. Screw relying on anyone, for anything.  -ssr 

Never too late to let words click

Somebody wise once told me to not get too personal with others. I finally understand what this meant. Thank you. -ssr

Graduation is over.......Now whattttt

Graduation is finally over. No more nerves, no more wonderment. Time to move on and work, right?  Here’s the 5 things that will happen upon Graduation that others won’t tell you. 5. You will feel some sort of anxiety, depression, jealousy, or bitterness.  You just completed four hard years of schooling and you feel a sense of entitlement. You earned the right to have good employment with a decent pay. You went through hell for something better, right? But all you can seem to find yourself doing is applying for jobs, hours after hours, answering the same questions over and over, and all you want to do is jump off a huge diving board into a pool of money and food. You see your friends, some who didn’t even attend college, living what appears to be a comfortable lifestyle. You want that, you deserve that, but why can’t you have that? It’s gonna take time. Be patient, keep applying, follow up on the applications. Bug the shit out of those employers and show you’re worthy and

A rhyme for the guy doing time. Mario Peralta, AKA, pedophile.

Scrolled on Facebook, Read a story , The more I saw, The more I got worried. Forty-two year old photographer, Took advantage of his space, Taped a young girl undressing, Where she believed was a safe place. The baffling part that I seem to read, Is how many clients are standing beside he. See, loyalty is fine, Although rare to see in the 40’s, But when you are the abuser You no longer are worthy. Some of his friends are truly quite sad, “Models For Mario” is currently their hashtag. Please don’t support your “friend” or abuser, The victims are the people you should be showing love to. Imagine if that was you, Changing clothes for a shoot, But then come to find out, Your innocence is what he salivates to. To the young girl traumatized, I won’t pretend I know your pain, But I hope you understand, It won’t always be the same. Don’t lose all your hope, Or judge every man, Yes there are monsters out there, But you aren’t alone in this clan.